Any rates advertised herein by Oakview Home Loans LLC dba Oakview Capital NMLS ID#: 1618618 are only available to qualified borrowers.  Additionally, the stated rate and APR may change or not be available at the time of loan commitment or lock-in. Oakview Home Loans LLC dba Oakview Capital is not affiliated with, or an agent or division of, a governmental agency or depository institution.  Refinancing of exiting liens, even at lower rates may result in higher total finance charges over the life of the loan.  Any pre-approvals referenced herein are not approvals and are only available after prospect application has been submitted to lender and approved by its automated underwriting system or manual underwrite. Terms and conditions of pre-approvals will be promulgated on all pre-approvals provided.

Oakview Home Loans LLC | NMLS ID: 1618618 ( | © 2020

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